Summer Reading & Art Program
Sarasota Bay Club recently completed an intergenerational Reading & Art Program for ten girls ages seven and eight, who currently attend Girls Inc. of Sarasota County. The girls were paired with senior volunteers from Sarasota Bay Club and the results were magical! “Friendships formed as the pairs worked together through seven specially chosen books,” said Kathleen Rhem, the Lifestyle Coordinator for Sarasota Bay Club. In addition to the reading time each week, students and resident volunteers went on to complete art projects based on each of the books. The finished artwork was displayed in an evening gallery show, to which the families of the girls were invited to attend.
This innovative program was made possible by the Community Foundation of Sarasota County, Innovative Art Solutions, KAETA and The Campaign for Grade Level Reading which promotes school readiness, combating summer learning loss and preventing chronic absenteeism.